Monday 12 August 2013

After all that we've been through

Blogging is not easy. I'm not even an inch of a celebrity blogger and I can't even blog enough to save my life. Blogging takes time and the post just ain't good enough if it's rushed through, even if it's just for the reading pleasure of a small circle of tight friends and myself.

It's 2013. We all thought the world would have ended by now but nooooo....we are still very much alive and kicking. The world won't end so soon. True, armageddon is coming but God will not allow us ALL to perish at one go. After all the shit that mankind has done, do you think HE will let us off so lightly? All those shows and movies on tsunamis and earthquakes that are deemed to be the causes of our end are just mere movies. Armageddon has started long ago. We are just dying off slowly and painfully.

Anyway, work has been...well you can say smooth sailing in a way. Not a bed of roses though. It seems that most jobs nowadays are It's sad ya know. Passion counts for nothing and doesn't put food on your plate. But for those of you who have friends in the arts scene doing theatre or even graffiti art, you are a luckier bunch. These people are living out their dreams and loves and enjoy every second of what they are doing. But I know I will probably never be able to get there till I'm much older.

No money already so don't even need to talk about chasing my passions la....

I've been busy with life. Busy with work, family, friends, my impending wedding. Took a short trip to JB over the long Hari Raya and National Day weekend and what me and the husband did most of the time while we were there was...sleep. Yea. Sleep deprivation is what strikes most Singaporeans and city people who work most of their lives and forget that we need to rest. I lead a relatively more relaxed lifestyle actually as compared to my husband and my closest friends. Tan travels extensively for work (and some play), Yip OTs like nobody's business (and then accumulates this unbelievable pile of OT hours which she can literally be away from the office for months on end), and my husband works 7 days a week. Well, maybe 6.5 days la. He works full time from Mondays to Fridays, goes for night classes to complete his diploma on Mondays and Wednesdays, and coaches swimming on the weekends. Occasionally, he coaches for CPR courses and the like. A crazy hectic lifestyle but I guess fulfilling in a way. I dunno. I'm just saying.


Back to work.


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