Thursday 23 March 2017

Stupid is what stupid gets

If there is anything that pushes me off the edge more than people who gei kiang are those who think that just because they aren't in a rush means others aren't.

Why am I so pissed off about this? Well, this is how the story went down.

Left the house a little later than usual today and because of that, was running a little late to work. Was literally running and sweating my way all the way to the office building and it took a hell lot of time before the lift arrived (was already considering soldiering up the stairs all the way to the 1x floor). Lift arrived, I got in, pushed the level button and continued on. Lift stopped at the 4th floor, little elderly lady starts slowly walking in. I see that both her feet are already in the lift so I push close. Apparently her arm was (why??), swinging and the lift door knocked into it while it was closing. She, in all her elderly ways, started rubbing her arm and exclaimed to me,"Eh! You never see me ah?"

What my (diplomatic) reply was at that time was, "Oh sorry I thought you were already in the lift."

What my inner true voice was saying was, "Auntie, I'm in a rush. You are not that old, not disabled (hobbling, with a walking stick, in a wheelchair, etc). Why are you walking so slow? You are not in a rush, I AM!"

To my defense, she really wasn't that old, probably just about as old as a couple of relatives I have. I had grandparents up till about 5+ years ago (they have all since passed), and honestly, I'm a very patient person when it comes to little kids and the elderly because I was raised well. This auntie obviously was capable of moving a little faster but she chose to saunter, as with a lot of the older folks in the building. Actually, scrap that. Some of the young ones also move damn slow.

And while I can be very capable of being nice and patient and understanding with those who are truly not able to move as fast as they want to due to whatever reasons, whether you are young or old, I cannot stand it when I can SEE that you are obviously physically alright and can move faster and yet, you choose not to.

As you can tell, my rant this morning isn't just elderly biased. I have no qualms slamming doors and closing lift doors on ANYONE who takes their time, especially when I am in a BLOODY RUSH!

And honestly, even if I am not, I am getting to a point where I cannot care less anymore. Too many idiots around staring at their damn phones and not noticing what the heck is happening around them. Hey, I play games on my phone too but I always concentrate on the road when I have to. Or people. Or even animals.

Lesson of the day: Don't be a prick/asshole/cunt/stupid dumb bitch. Period.

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